Friday, August 05, 2005

The Story of Taiwan's Anne Frank: SHIH Ru-Chen

[as told to the English-speaking world for the first time in print ... in the pages of the Taipei Times newspaper in the March 5, 2007 issue, page 8, under editorials:
]] ....IF YOU ARE COMING HERE VIA THE TAIPEI TIMES article, welcome to this website and if you have any comments or questions, please email the author of the newspaper commentary at danbloom [at] gmail [dot] com

Everyone around the world knows the famous story about Anne Frank, the little girl who kept a diary when she and her family were hiding from the Nazis during World War II in Holland.

Anne died tragically in a Nazi concentration camp, after she and her family her discovered in their hiding place and taken by train to the notorious Nazi death camps.

But after her death, her diary was published as a book in Europe first, and then in America and later around the world in over 25 countries. It was titled "The Diary of a Young Girl."

It is a heart-breaking story of courage amidst daily terror, of compassion amidst the horrors of war, of family togetherness amdist the deprivations of the Nazi occupation of Holland.

Anne Frank, who was just 12 years old, and her parents were Jews, and the German Nazi's didn't like Jews and wanted to kill them all. This was the sickness of that time in history, and we should never forget.

Anne's diary, published after World War II was over the armies of freedom were victorious over the Nazi army of ugly brutality and lies, has been the subject of somber poems, novels, stage plays and movies around the world ever since.

Everyone now knows the story of Anne Frank and her indominitable spirit in the face of sadness, loneliness and the Nazi occupation of Holland. She died during WWII, killed by the Nazis, but Anne Frank also remains alive even today through literature, art and......yes......memory!

. . . .

Did you know that Taiwan has its own "Anne Frank" story about a man in Hsinchu who hid in small, secret hiding place -- a thin space between two walls, with no room to even stand up -- for 18 years during the White Terror period?

His crime? He committed no crime at all, but the government's secret police at that time were looking for him, and rather than risk being arrested, tortured and perhaps killed, Mr. Shih Ru-chen decided to find a hiding place. This is a true story, and it goes like this:

Once upon a time, there was ... no, wait a minute, this cannot begin like a fairy tale with a "once upon a time" introduction. No, this is a tragic, sad story, and while it does not have a happy ending, in a way, the telling and retelling of this story can bring a kind of satisfaction to the people of Taiwan, and mostly importantly, to the relatives of the man who lived it.

As you might know from studying the history of Taiwan, the people of Taiwan lived for a long time under a government ruled by military law and secret police, from 1949 to 1988, a period that many people now refer to as the White Terror period. It was a time in Taiwan's history when the military rulers of the country ruled with an iron fist and put anyone who disagreed with them in jail -- or to death!

Yes, the White Terror period was not a happy time in Taiwan, and most people there would like to forget about it and move on with life. But to forget the past is forget one's own history, the good and the bad, and all people in all countries should remember the past, even as they live in the present and plan for the future. It is best to remember and never to forget ... the story of Shih Ru-chen.

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Mr Shih was nice man who lived in Hsinchu with his family, a lovely wife and a sweet young daughter. He also had an open mind, a freedom-loving mind, and this sometimes got him into trouble with the miltary authories of that time.

Because of something he did or said or whispered, or because of some friends he had or some meetings he attended, the secret police were looking for him.

They wanted to arrest him, interrogate him, maybe even torture him and kill him. Mr Shih decided that, if he wanted to live, the best course of action would be to try hide from the secret police. So he left his home and walked to his brother's house, asking if he could find a hiding place there.

Mr Shih's brother, Shih Ru-chang, built a new wall in his house next to an old wall, and in the small space between the two walls, there was just enough space for a grown man to sit down and crouch -- but not stand. This is where Mr Shih Ru-Chen hid ... for 18 years!

Mr Shih did the same thing that Anne Frank and her family did during WWII. Rather than give in to the forces of darkness and evil, he decided to find refuge in a secret hiding place in his brother's house. And of course, in order to keep the police away, everyone had to keep the story very very hush hush ... for 18 years!

Every night, Mr Shih's brother, Ru-chang, would remove some bricks from the new wall and let him get out to stretch his legs, eat and get some well-needed exercise. Then after a short time, back into the hiding place went Mr Shih. This didn't go on for just one week, or one month, or even for a year. This went on for ... 18 years.

When Mr Shih began his ordeal, he was 37 years old.

This story is an amazing story of courage and a secret hiding place, of secret police and an extended Taiwanese family who loved a very good man, husband and father. Mr Shih was never famous duirng his lifetime, of course, and even after he died, at the age of 55, very few people in Taiwan knew about him or his amazing 18 years in hiding. Only his family knew!

Even the ''funeral'' for Mr Shih had to be kept secret, so the secret police would not know about it.

To tell the truth, dear Readers, there was no funeral for Mr Shih. Let us now remember his life gently in these pages.

For today, in telling and retelling this story, we readers, in Taiwan and overseas, revive his memory, salute his steadfastness and admire his courage. The Jewish people in Holland gave us Anne Frank. The Taiwanese people have given the world Shih Ru-chen as an example of deep personal courage and conviction. Let us never forget him.

. . . .

Every night, when Mr Shih's daughter was still a little girl, the loving and devoted father would quietly get out from his secret hiding place between the walls and tip-toe over to his daughter's bedside to tuck her in and cover her with a warm blanket in the winter and a thin white sheet in the summertime. This was his nightly ritual, but she never saw him because she was sleeping. In the morning, the little girl would ask her grandmother the same question over and over again:

"Who tucked me in last night, Grandma?" she asked.

And Grandma Shih always said, with a sad and mysterious smile: "Dear Me-hui, who tucks you in every night and covers you with love? Oh, it is the 'Bed Goddess', the lovely and sweet bed goddess, who protects you at night, dear!"

"Oh," said the little girl. "I think I understand."

One time, to keep the little girl believing in the bed goddess, Grandma Shih even made a small shrine in the bedroom, using the corner of the room to offer prayers to the make-believe "bed goddess." This would keep little Mei-hui happy, she thought.

But when little Mei-hui turned six years old, her grandmother finally let her in on the secret hiding place and introduced her to her father. And for the first time in her life, that she could remember, Mei-hui was face to face with a man she was told to call her Poppa. And she did.

"Poppa, I love you," Mei-hui always said to her father whenever she saw him at night when he came out of his hiding place for a few short minutes.

"I love you, too," her father replied, tears in his eyes.

"And one more thing, Poppa. I know who tucked me in all those years before -- it was you! Thank you, Daddy!"

And every night, after that face to face reunion with her loving, doting father, little Mei-hui would wait patiently after sunset and count the minutes before her father would come out to chat and play with her. What a wonderful time it was when they were together! How happy she was to be in his arms! How proud she felt to be Shih Ru-chen's daughter! It was all that little Mei-hui could ask for.

She never complained, she never cried, she never regeretted her fate or her father's destiny because she knew in her heart he was the best father a father could be and he was hiding in a secret hiding place because so he could always be near her ... and protect her!

. . . .

That's the happy part of the story: how a father and a daughter fleetingly found happiness together in the few moments during a dark time in a nation's history -- in a land where freedom was precious and little understood.

But the sad part of this story is that this hide and seek cat and mouser secret hiding place life of poor Mr Shih Ru-chen went on for ....18 years! 18 long, long years!

Mei-hui grew up fast in those days.

And then one day, one night, Shih Ru-chen's body gave up, and he breathed his last breath, dreamed his last dream and died in the arms of his loving, patient wife, Mrs. Shih, Mei-hui's mom.

. . . .

You, dear Reader, might think this story is over now as you scroll down the page here, and while it's true, the telling of it is almost finished on this Internet page, it is also true that the story of Mr Shih Ru-chen will be passed on down from generation to generation in the freedom-loving country of Taiwan -- a small island with a big heart! -- forever and ever, and the sun will never set on Mr Shih's courage or his bravery or his ideals.

Tell this story to the world, and it will gain even more power! For just as the Jewish people gave us Anne Frank of Amsterdam and her courageous family, so too have the Taiwanese people given us ... Shih Ru-chen, a man who was not afraid to live for his ideals, and who was not afraid to die for them either!

Long live the memory of Shih Ru-chen!

(c) 2004 Friends of Taiwan Inc.

風中的哭泣 -- 政治犯施儒珍自囚十八年 [18 years]

by 陳銘城 , freelance reporter

聞名全球的「安妮的日記」是描述為逃避納粹大屠殺猶太人,全家自囚多年的故事,台灣最近也出土白色恐怖政治犯,在一九五○年代,為逃避逮捕及牽連親友,躲在家中柴房壁內夾層長達十八年 [18 years] 的自囚故事。台視「謝志偉嗆聲」七月十九日晚間十點三十分將播出「風中的哭泣—已故政治犯施儒珍自囚記」,邀請長年掩護施儒珍的弟弟施儒昌及施儒珍的女兒談「不能喊叫爸爸」的失落親情。


[If there is a need for corrections, deletions, additions, etc., later, they will be made by the webmaster in Taipei. To submit corrections etc, please email the webmaster at:
danbloom [at] gmail [dot] com


Dear Sirs:
Thanks for sending the story about Shih Ru-chen. Pretty amazing! Some might say it's hard to believe ..... how could a human being stay cooped up that way (albeit with a bit of time to stretch in the evening) for all those years? Did he use a toilet during the day time? Did he ever become ill and need medical attention? What was his daughter doing sleeping at his brother's house (if his wife moved there, wouldn't the Secret Police become suspicious?) ....This story looks as though it could become an illustrated children's book in Taiwan and the outside world, and reach millions of readers this way.
-- American reader in La Jolla, California.

Dear Sirs:
I had never heard about this story, despite being a friend of Taiwan for over 20 years and writing countless articles about Taiwan politics and culture. Is it true? How did you hear about it and can you verify its authenticity? If true, it boggles the mind. Should be published for international audience, yes!
-- Professor at Harvard University, Boston, USA

Dear all:

這是描述一章悲傷但感人的台灣歷史的英文網站──是關於一個住在> 新竹的丈夫兼父親在白色恐怖時期為了躲避警察,竟躲在新竹他弟弟 家裡兩塊牆板中的小夾縫長達十八年之久。 讀它,且靜靜的流淚! 歷史是值得我們記得的,而且歷史能好好地教我們一課 "未來".

NOTE: This is an English language website that describes a very sad, yet moving chapter in Taiwan's history -- about a Hsinchu husband and father during the White Terror period who had to hide from the government police -- for 18 years, hiding in a small space between two walls in his brother's home in Hsinchu. Read it and weep! History is worth remembering....

''Many tales from White Terror era to be told''
By Dan Bloom 丹布隆
Monday, Mar 05, 2007, Page 8

As Taiwanese at home and abroad recently commemorated the 60th anniversary of the 228 Incident with public lectures, film screenings and memorial gatherings in Taipei and Washington, the lessons and memories of 228 will continue to reverberate for future generations of Taiwanese.
As reported in this paper, a public memorial service was held in the lobby of the Rayburn House Office Building on March 28 "that brought together some 200 Taiwanese-Americans to remember 228 and the martial law that followed, and to express their hopes for the new Taiwanese democracy" ("Recognize Taiwan: Tancredo," Mar. 2, page 2.)
At the gathering, Lin Yung-mei (林詠梅) , the daughter of Taiwanese intellectual Lin Mao-seng (林茂生), recalled the night of March 11, 1947, when six men dragged her father from the family's house in Taiwan.
Lin said that her father disappeared and was never seen again, adding: "Injustice and senseless silence ... Now their stories can be told."
There is another story of the White Terror period that has so far been told only in the Liberty Times (the Taipei Times' sister newspaper) and never in an English-language newspaper. Until now.
It is a story that needs to be told to the world in English, because it tells of a chapter in Taiwan's history that many Westerners can understand at a basic human level, since it is what a professor at Soochow University has called "the Anne Frank story of Taiwan."
The story, which has been documented in detail in English and Chinese on a Web site ( is about a Hsinchu man named Shih Ru-chen (許壬辰).
During the early 1950s, Shih, fearing arrest and possible jail time and even execution from the military police, chose to go into hiding at his elder brother's house, using a tiny crawl space his brother created in his home, to elude the authorities.
He was 37 years old when he went into hiding in a small space between two walls in his brother's home, and he was 55 years old when he died there, of natural causes, having remained "in hiding" for 18 long, unfathomable years.
Please read that number again: not 18 weeks, not 18 months, but 18 years.
Yes, this story happened in Taiwan during the White Terror period, and it has been documented in Chinese in a book published a few years ago by the Hsinchi Culture Center.
The book includes interviews with Shih's surviving relatives and a copy of the blueprint of the crawl space he "lived" in for 18 years, coming out only for short periods of time at night to eat, wash, go to the toilet and chat with his wife and two children.
Like Lin's story of her father's disappearance in 1947, Shih's story would surely resonate with people around the world, in whatever language they read it in.
Just as Anne Frank's "diary" -- written while the Nazis occupied Holland and her family went into hiding -- found a worldwide audience after World War II, so too can Shih's story find an audience in Taiwan and overseas.
Not many people go into hiding for political reasons for 18 years, and the story of Shih's ordeal has until now been mostly hidden from public view -- even in Taiwan -- and almost no one overseas has ever heard of this incident.
Surely there's a place in Taiwan's history books, novels, plays and TV dramas for Shih and his family.
Anne Frank taught the world an important lesson, and so too can Shih. There has been a "senseless silence" about his life, but now his story should be told.

[Dan Bloom is a freelance writer in Taiwan. ]


Blogger DANIELBLOOM said...

Taiwan's Anne Frank: SHIH Ru

陳[ 依照告訴對美國作家丹綻放由一個臺灣朋友] 大家在世界知道關於Anne 直率的著名故事, 保留一本日誌的小女孩當她和她的家庭掩藏從Nazis 在第二次世界大戰期間在荷蘭。 Anne 悲劇地死了在納粹集中營, 在她和她發現在他們的隱藏處和通過火車採取對臭名遠揚的納粹死亡陣營的她的家庭之後。 但在她的死亡以後, 她的日誌首先, 和然後被出版了作為一本書在歐洲在美國和以後在世界附近完全成功25 個國家。 這是勇氣一個令人心碎的故事在每日恐怖, 慈心之中在戰爭之中恐怖, 家庭統一性amdist 荷蘭的納粹職業的剝奪。 Anne Frank, 12 歲, 並且她的父母是猶太人, 和德國Nazi's didn't 像猶太人和想殺害他們全部。這是那時間的憔悴在歷史上, 並且我們應該從未忘記。 Anne's 日誌, 被出版在第二次世界大戰是在自由之後軍隊是戰勝的在醜惡的殘酷和謊言納粹軍隊, 是微暗的詩、小說、階段戲劇和電影主題在世界自那以後。 大家現在知道Anne 直率和她的indominitable 精神故事在悲傷面前, 寂寞和荷蘭的納粹職業。她死了在WWII 期間, 由Nazis 殺害, 但Anne 直率並且保留活均勻今天通過文學, 藝術和...... 是...... 記憶! .... 您知道, 臺灣有它自己的"Anne Frank" 關於一個人的故事在Hsinchu 誰掩藏了在小, 秘密隱藏處-- 一個細體空間在二牆壁之間, 沒有室甚而站起來-- 18 年在白色恐怖期間? 他的罪行? 他沒有犯罪根本, 但是government's 秘密警察那時尋找他, 並且而不是風險被拘捕, 被拷打和或許被殺害, Shih Ru 陳先生決定發現一個隱藏處。這是一個真實的故事, 並且它去像這樣: 從前, 有... 沒有, 等待一分鐘, 這無法開始像一個童話從"once 在time" 介紹。不, 這是一個悲劇, 哀傷的故事, 並且當它沒有一個愉快的結尾, 在某一方面, 告訴並且重述這個故事可能帶來一种滿意給臺灣的人民, 和主要重要地, 對居住它人的親戚。 當您也許知道從學習臺灣的歷史, 臺灣的人民長期居住在政府之下由軍法和秘密警察統治, 從1949 年到1988 年, 許多人現在提到作為白色恐怖期間的期間。這是時期在Taiwan's 歷史上當國家的軍事統治者被統治與鐵拳和被投入任何人不同意他們在監獄-- 或對死亡! 是, 白色恐怖期間不是愉快的時光在臺灣, 並且多數人民那裡會想忘掉它和搬走以生活。但忘記過去是忘記one's 擁有歷史, 好和壞, 並且所有人民在所有國家應該記住過去, 既使他們居住在禮物和為將來計劃。這是最佳記住和從未忘記... Shih Ru 陳故事。 .... Shih 先生是住在Hsinchu 與他的家庭、一個可愛的妻子和一個甜年輕女兒的好人。他並且有一個開放頭腦, 一個喜愛自由的頭腦, 並且這有時讓他進入麻煩與那時間miltary authories 。 由於某事他做了或說或耳語, 或由於一些朋友他有或他出席的一些會議, 秘密警察尋找他。 他們想拘捕他, 詢問他, 甚而可能拷打他和殺害他。Shih 先生決定, 如果他想居住, 最佳的計劃會將嘗試皮從秘密警察。如此他離開了他的家和走了到他的brother's 房子, 問如果他能發現一個隱藏處那裡。 Shih's 先生兄弟, Shih Ru chang, 修造了新全部在他的房子在老牆壁旁邊, 並且在小空間在二牆壁之間, 有剛夠空間使一個成年人坐下和蹲下-- 但不站立。這是Shih Ru Ru-Chen 先生掩藏了... 18 年的地方! Shih 先生做了Anne 坦率和她的家庭做在WWII 期間的同樣事。而不是授予對黑暗和罪惡力量, 他決定發現避難所在一個秘密隱藏處在他的brother's 房子裡。並且當然, 為了保持警察去, 大家必須保留故事非常非常靜寂靜寂... 18 年! 每夜, Shih's 先生兄弟, Ru chang, 從新牆壁會去除一些磚和讓他出去舒展他的腿, 吃和得到某一很好需要的鍛煉。然後在短時間以後, 回到隱藏處去Shih 先生。這didn't 繼續在一個星期, 或一個月, 甚至一年。繼續達... 18 年。 當Shih 先生開始了他的考驗, 他32 歲。 這個故事是勇氣和一個秘密隱藏處一個令人驚訝的故事愛一個非常好人、丈夫和父親的, 秘密警察和一個延長的臺灣家庭。Shih 先生從未是著名duirng 他的終身, 當然, 和在他以後死了, 在50 歲, 很少人在臺灣非常知道關於他。葬禮為Shih 先生必須是被保留的秘密, 因此秘密警察不會知道關於它。 但今天, 在講和重述這個故事, 我們讀者, 在臺灣和國外, 復興他的記憶, 向他的踏實致敬和敬佩他的勇氣。猶太人民在荷蘭給了我們Anne 直率。臺灣人給了世界Shih Ru 陳為例深刻的個人勇氣和信念。從未讓我們忘記他。 .... 每夜, 當Shih's 先生女兒仍然是一個小女孩, 愛戀和虔誠父親安靜地會出去從他的秘密隱藏處在牆壁和腳尖之間對他的daughter's 床邊捲起她和用一條溫暖的毯子在冬天和稀薄的白色板料蓋她在夏令時。這每夜是他的儀式, 但她從未看見了他因為她睡覺。早晨, 小女孩多次會問她的祖母同樣問題: "Who 捲起了我在昨晚, Grandma?" 她要求。 並且祖母Shih 總說, 以哀傷和神奇微笑: "Dear 我mei, 誰捲起您在每夜和蓋您充滿愛? 噢, 這是床女神, 可愛和甜床女神, 保護您在晚上, dear!" "Oh, " 小女孩說。"I 認為I understand." 但當少許Mei-mei 轉動了六年年紀, 她的祖母最後讓她在秘密隱藏處和介紹她給她的父親。並且第一次在她的生活中, 那她能記住, Mei-mei 面對面是以她被告訴叫她的Poppa 的一個人。並且她。 "Poppa, 我愛你, " Mei-mei 對她的父親總認為每當她看見了他在晚上當他從他的隱藏處出來幾短的分鐘。 "I 愛您, 同樣, " 她的父親回復了, 淚花在他的眼睛。 "And 一件更多事, Poppa 。我知道誰捲起了我在所有那些歲月在-- 之前這是您! 謝謝, Daddy!" 並且每夜, 以後充滿她愛那面對面團聚, 溺愛的父親, 少許Mei-Mei 耐心地會等待在日落以後和會計數分鐘在她的父親會出來聊天和演奏與她之前。美妙的時刻它是他們一起是! 多麼愉快她將是在他的胳膊裡! 多麼驕傲她感覺是Shih Ru chen's 女兒! 它是少許Mei-mei 能請求。 她從未抱怨, 她從未哭泣, 她從未regeretted 她的命運或她的father's 命運因為她知道在他是最佳的父親每父親的她的心臟能是和他掩藏在一個秘密隱藏處因為他能如此是在她附近... 和總保護她! .... That's 故事的愉快的部份: 怎麼父親和女兒一起暫短發現了幸福在少數片刻內在黑暗的時光期間在nation's 歷史上-- 在自由是珍貴和的土地一點瞭解。 但這個故事的哀傷的部份是, 可憐的先生Shih Ru 陳這捉迷藏貓和mouser 秘密隱藏處生活繼續....18 年! 18 長, 長的歲月! Mei-mei 快速地長大在那些日子裡。 並且然後一天, 一夜, Shih Ru chen's 身體放棄了, 並且他呼吸了他的前呼吸, 作夢他的前個夢想和死在他愛的胳膊, 耐心妻子, Shih, Mei-mei's 媽媽夫人。 .... 您, 親愛的讀者, 也許認為這個故事現在是因為您轉動這本書頁, 並且當it's 配齊, 告訴它幾乎被完成在列印的頁, 它是還真實的Shih Ru 陳先生故事將傳遞下來從世代到世代在臺灣-- 一個小海島喜愛自由的國家以大心臟! -- 永遠和曾經, 和太陽從未將設置在Shih's 先生勇氣或他的勇敢或他的理想。 講這個故事對世界, 並且它將獲取更加權力! 為正猶太人民給了我們阿姆斯特丹和她勇敢的家庭Anne 直率, 那麼太把臺灣人被給我們... Shih Ru 陳, 沒有害怕居住為他的理想, 並且不害怕死為他們或者的一個人! 長期居住Shih Ru 陳記憶! ...........................................................................
(c) 2004 dan bloom

October 6, 2004 at 3:27 AM  
Blogger DANIELBLOOM said...

approximately 1700 words in length, English words.

Publish as bilingual book format, with 7-8 pictures of scenes in book. color cover. Eurasian would be good publisher.

October 6, 2004 at 4:21 AM  
Blogger DANIELBLOOM said...

English translation of this artcile:

The Taiwan version "Anne's diary" Shi Juchen from imprisons for 18 years, regards "Xie Chihwei to choke the sound" the tonight to broadcast deceased political offender Shi Juchen from imprisons records. (Reporter Chen Lingfang the ∮ Taibei reported) heard the whole world "Anne's diary" is describes the Judea person for to evade the Nazi massacre, entire family from imprisons many years story, the Taiwan recently also unearthed white terror political offender, in 195 O age, was evades arrests and implicates the relatives and friends, hides in Chai Fangpi the band for 18 years in the home from to imprison the story. Regards "Xie Chihwei to choke the sound" now (7,/19) late ten and half o'clock will broadcast "in wind sob — — deceased political offender Shi Juchen from imprisons records", invites the elder to shield Shi Juchen younger brother Shi Juch'ang and Shi Juchen daughter Shi Meihui discussed "cannot yell the daddy" loses the dear ones. The family lives Hsinchu Xiangshan Shi Juchen, after the Yilan agricultural school graduates namely has the opposition to Japan thought, Hsinchu city culture association Huang Wangch'eng the democratic thought influence, Shi Juchen is led more than 10 Hsinchu youth, conspires to dive goes to China to participate in opposition to Japan, this one "Hsinchu state event", because the fact divulges, suffers the Japanese police to arrest, Shi Juchen is closed six years. Cannot be called the daddy After 228 events, he the Kuomintang government which comes to China is thorough 絕 looks, starts to participate in the communist party underground organization and the book club, the attempt overthrows the Kuomintang government, unexpectedly in 228 cleanses the countryside the white terror age, he and comrade separately become the police unit 獵捕 object, confessed thought innocent Shi Juchen launches becomes a fugitive, he first hides to kisses the uncle's family three days, unexpectedly in the future actually will trade the uncle three years disaster of imprisonment. The grandmother frequently to his mother complained, blames, he hides to nearby the father's elder paternal cousin family's room in the cavern amounts to for two years -odd, finally only then shields by younger blood brother Shi Juch'ang goes home, Tibet in firewood room compartmented wall. This is makes an arrest a more lax day in the police, they cannot pay attention to in the room the spatial length, thereupon excels at the water mason the younger blood brother in the firewood room wall, separates in addition assumes the wall together, two feet widely leaves behind to hide the space, in puts the urinal among, hides for elder brother. Each 日拆 partial brick bats deliver the food, evening five to 7. darkness in front of, lets Shi Juchen come out puts seals the activity, night again returns to in the band, to the Taiwan acacia burns the ashes blended Portland cement to seal the wall again, completely not trace. Such Zichang reaches 17, eight years, finally dies of illness in Yu Tzuch'iu in 197 O year, carelessly buries Yu Wuhou. Shi Juchen from imprisons the period, the police frequently come home kick the gate to pry, successively arrests the father and the younger brother, frightens the mother. Executes the father to set up talks exacts a confession by means of torture, afterwards to going home in the road absent minded to fall falls the railroad to grind by the train breaks 雙足, excessive loss of blood lethal. Executes the family old mother, afterwards in fearful was also restless all day long, is frightened the encephalorrhagia, the stroke is for laid up three years to pass away, lets shield 胞兄 Shi Juch'ang alone undertake entire family safety and the intimidation pressure, two desires did not commit suicide the fruit. In wind sob Shi Juchen wife as early as becomes a fugitive in the husband, because the sentiment inharmoniously leaves home to leave in a hurry, leaves behind the young children, and is laid up the old mother by uncle to look after. Youngest daughter Shi Meihui said in childhood he often felt in the sleep has artificial her to cover the cotton-wadded quilt, strokes the small face, whenever she tells the grandmother, the grandmother always roars her to say: "The gruff grandson, that is the bed mother in blesses you to grow up", afterwards because the youngest daughter looked plays the partner to offer a sacrifice to the corner of a wall does obeisance the bed mother, because feared revealed hides father Shi Juchen the flaw, the grandmother only then tells her, your daddy hides in Chai Fangch'iang, had to be called the daddy only to be able to call in a soft voice on the room inner wall, only could be called the daddy outside the room in the heart, otherwise could harm your daddy and entire family is all grasped. Hereafter youngest daughter always at evening time above, stands covers in the water jar, acts like a spoiled brat and so on Man Lienhu the dregs daddy is carrying her, looked resembles the daddy which strange is familiar with to cut the beard and the nail, she also can arrive outside the room to pick the tobacco head, lets a daddy tobacco addiction. Brother Shi Ch'un Zhong is the help delivers the food and acts as lookout outside the room. Like this "loses dear ones, in wind sob" the day, had not known how long, the children haven't understood, also does not dare to ask, their father in from imprisons 17, eight year after 197 O year, because the Alseodaphne hainanensis gets sick does not dare to ask doctor to treat, only buys the prepared medicine to eat, finally dies of illness in the family, dies at the age of 55 years old. Shi Juch'ang and Shi Ch'un Zhong take the shutter as the coffin, carelessly buries after the room, finishes Shi Juchen in the home from the year which imprisons. .... 2004-07-19 [ Taiwan Daily ]














October 6, 2004 at 9:13 PM  
Blogger DANIELBLOOM said...


LIBERTY TIMES newspaper JULY 2004

In wind sob -- political offender Shi Juchen from imprisons for 18 years Chen Mingch'eng Is well-known the whole world "Anne's diary" is the description for evades the Nazi massacre Jew, entire family from imprisons many years story, the Taiwan recently also unearthed white terror political offender, in 195 ○ ages, was evades arrests and implicates the relatives and friends, hides in Chai Fangpi the band for 18 years in the home from to imprison the story. Will regard "Xie Chihwei to choke the sound" on July 19 in the evening 10.30 minute to broadcast "in wind sob — deceased political offender Shi Juchen from will imprison records", will invite the elder to shield Shi Juchen younger brother Shi Juch'ang and Shi Juchen daughter discussed "will not be able to yell the daddy" will lose the dear ones. The family lives Hsinchu Xiangshan Shi Juchen, after the Yilan agricultural school graduates namely has the opposition to Japan thought, Hsinchu city culture association Huang Wangch'eng the democratic thought influence, Shi Juchen is led more than 10 Hsinchu youth, conspires to dive goes to China to participate in opposition to Japan, this one "the Hsinchu thirty events", because of events machine divulge, suffer the Japanese police to arrest, Shi Juchen is closed six years, after 228 events the Kuomintang government which comes to China is thorough 絕 looks, he starts to participate in the communist party underground organization and the book club, the attempt overthrows the national government, unexpectedly in 228 cleanses the countryside the white terror age, he and comrade separately become the police unit 獵捕 object, Confessed thought innocent Shi Juchen launches will become a fugitive, he first hides to kisses the uncle's family three days, unexpectedly in the future actually will trade the uncle three years disaster of imprisonment. The grandmother frequently to his mother complained, blames, he hides to nearby the father's elder paternal cousin family's room in the cavern amounts to for two years -odd, finally only then shields by younger blood brother Shi Juch'ang goes home, Tibet in firewood room compartmented wall. This is makes an arrest a more lax day in the police, they cannot pay attention to in the room the spatial length, thereupon excels at the water mason the younger blood brother in the firewood room wall, separates in addition assumes the wall together, two feet widely leaves behind to hide the space, in puts the urinal among, hides for elder brother. Each 日拆 partial brick bats deliver the food, evening five to 7. darkness in front of, lets Shi Juchen come out puts seals the activity, night again returns to in the band, to the Taiwan acacia burns the ashes blended Portland cement to seal the wall again, completely not trace. Such Zichang reaches 17, eight years, finally dies of illness in Yu Tzuch'iu in 197 ○ years, carelessly buries Yu Wuhou. Shi Juchen from imprisons the period, the police frequently come home kick the gate to pry, successively arrests the father and the younger brother, frightens the mother. Executes the father to set up talks exacts a confession by means of torture, afterwards to going home in the road absent minded to fall falls the railroad 輾 to break by the train 雙足, excessive loss of blood lethal. Executes the family old mother, afterwards in fearful was also restless all day long, is frightened the encephalorrhagia, the stroke is for laid up three years to pass away, lets shield 胞兄 Shi Juch'ang alone undertake entire family safety and the intimidation pressure, twice wanted not to commit suicide the fruit. Front Shi Juchen wife as early as becomes a fugitive in the husband, because the sentiment inharmoniously leaves home to leave in a hurry, leaves behind the young children, and is laid up the old mother by uncle to look after. Youngest daughter Shi Meihui said in childhood she often felt in the sleep has artificial her to cover the cotton-wadded quilt, strokes the small face, whenever she tells the grandmother, the grandmother always roars her to say: "The gruff grandson, that is the bed mother in blesses you to grow up", afterwards because the youngest daughter looked plays the partner to offer a sacrifice to the corner of a wall does obeisance the bed mother, because feared revealed hides father Shi Juchen the flaw, the grandmother only then tells her, the daddy hid in Chai Fangch'iang, had to be called the daddy only to be able to call in a soft voice on the room inner wall, only could in the heart be called the daddy outside the room, otherwise could harm the daddy and entire family is all grasped. Hereafter youngest daughter always at evening time above, stands covers in the water jar, acts like a spoiled brat and so on Man Lienhu the dregs daddy is carrying her, looked resembles the daddy which strange is familiar with to cut the beard and the nail, she also can arrive outside the room to pick the tobacco head, lets a daddy tobacco addiction. Brother Shi Ch'un Zhong is the help delivers the food and acts as lookout outside the room. Like this "loses dear ones, in wind sob" the day, had not known how long, the children haven't understood, also does not dare to ask, their father in from imprisons 17, eight year after 197 ○ years, because Huang Tan gets sick does not dare to ask doctor to treat, only buys the prepared medicine to eat, finally dies of illness in the family, results in the year 55 years old. Shi Juch'ang and Shi Ch'un Zhong take the shutter as the coffin, carelessly buries after the room, finishes Shi Juchen in the home from the year which imprisons. (Author Chen Mingch'eng ╱ regards "Xie Chihwei to choke sound" program to plan plans)








October 6, 2004 at 9:15 PM  
Blogger DANIELBLOOM said...

Shih Ru-Chen died at age 55. He became sick but could not go to a doctor for fear of arrest, nor could a doctor be summoned for same reason, so he just took Chinese medicine delivered by his brother and other family members, but the medicine was not enough to get him well and he finally died of an undetermined illness at age 55.

Daughter's name was Mei-hiu

Son's name was __________. Ch'un Zhong ?

TEXT: Youngest daughter Shi Mei-hui said in childhood she often felt in the sleep has artificial her to cover the cotton-wadded quilt, strokes the small face, whenever she tells the grandmother, the grandmother always roars her to say:

".... that is the bed goddess who blesses you to grow up", afterwards because the youngest daughter looked plays the partner to offer a sacrifice to the corner of a wall does obeisance the bed mother, because feared revealed hides father the flaw, the grandmother only then tells her, the daddy hid in Chai Fangch'iang, had to be called the daddy only to be able to call in a soft voice on the room inner wall, only could in the heart be called the daddy outside the room, otherwise could harm the daddy and entire family is all grasped. Hereafter youngest daughter always at evening time above, stands covers in the water jar, acts like a spoiled brat and so on Man Lienhu the dregs daddy is carrying her, looked resembles the daddy which strange is familiar with to cut the beard and the nail, she also can arrive outside the room to pick the tobacco head, lets a daddy tobacco addiction.

Shih Ru-chen gets sick does not dare to ask doctor to treat, only buys the prepared medicine to eat, finally dies of illness in the family, results in the year 55 years old. Elder brother Shi Juch'ang and son Shi Ch'un Zhong take the coffin, and buries it after the room, finishes Shi Juchen in the home from the year which imprisons.

October 6, 2004 at 9:23 PM  
Blogger DANIELBLOOM said...

A reader in the USA writes:

Re: the story of the man who hid for 18 years --
It's not clear why the man's daughter would be sleeping at his
brother's home. Did the wife also move there? Did that arouse suspicion on
the part of the Secret Police? Trivial points, but I was a bit confused.
Otherwise, a very moving story. Hard to believe, though. How did Mr Shih go
to the toilet each day? Did he ever become ill and require medical attention?
Being confined that severely must have caused all kinds of
musculo-skeletal problems, including joint stiffness and muscle wasting.
And Anne Frank's family was hidden for a few years at most. This man hid for 18 years!!! That's three times the duration of World War 2!

February 9, 2005 at 10:07 AM  
Blogger DANIELBLOOM said...

We asked a Broadway playwright and actor/producer in NYC, what to do with this story, and he wrote back:

Dear Friends,

Thank you for your nice email. Taiwan needs more people like you.

The story is indeed touching and important to tell, I think. This is my
personal suggestion, for what it's worth. A storyteller needs passion for
the story, and there is no one I know with more passion than this story than
you! The website is a good beginning! Go go go!

I think you should write it, get it published, in English and Mandarin, and
share the story with the world! I'm not sure the playwrights in the USA that I know would
be interested in this Taiwanese story, even though I think it's great, and
my plate is too full to take on any new projects. Let me know if I can be
of any more help.


March 16, 2005 at 9:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

An American editor news editor asks:

1. has the modern government of Taiwan ever acknowledged Shih Ru-Chen's
ordeal, or made restitution to his family?

2. Is he mentioned in school

3. Any kind of official notice about him? Memorials?

4. Have any
Jewish organizations, Israel government, etc., recognized the ''Anne Frank''

4. has any member of his family sought some compensation, financial
or moral, for his and their suffering?

5. can we dig deeper into the "crime" which the man was accused of by the
police... there must have been some specific allegations out there, even in
a dictatorship...

June 7, 2005 at 7:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another reader replies:

"I think it is a good, interesting story but you need to beef it up for it to make an
impact. It should not be simply on the media's say-so -- there should be
quoting other people who have investigated the story. Local Taiwan reporters or the New York Times people or AP.

Call or email the
Taiwanese ambassador to Germany (do they have formal relations, or is he a
'cultural and trade representative'?) and interview him about the the case. Professor Shieh is his name, right?

Also, see if
you can get comments from various representatives of the government, or from
the opposition party. There must be a politician in the Legislative Yuan
who was as moved as you were by the story.

Ask the Israeli representative
in Taipei if she has any reaction to the story.

Give the Liberty Times
credit by quoting from and attributing their story.

Call the daughter/
brother about whether they have heard from anyone in an official capacity,
etc, etc....

In other words, a story this meaningful is worthy of more

Every fact in this story should stand up to challenge.

It is a very interesting and important story. The world should know about this.

June 7, 2005 at 8:16 AM  
Blogger DANIELBLOOM said...

The Bedroom Goddess

A one act play for 4 characters in Taiwanese (Chinese or English or
Japanese) by U.S. resident in Taiwan writer, Dan Bloom, for
presentation at public events, schools, history clubs, TV news, video
and radio shows: for background information, see

Announcer, Voice Over, spotlight, empty stage

LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, ghosts and goblins:.....

Welcome to the never ending production of the BEdroom Goddess, a true
story about a true incident in the Taiwan of long, long ago. Well, not
so long ago, if my memory serves me right. As you will see, as this
little story unfolds right here before your very eyes, once upon a
time, there was a little girl, 6 years old, and her name was Shih
Mei-mei, by the way, and she was the daughter of a man in Hsinchu
named Shih Ru-chen.

Now under normal circumstandes, being the daughter
of a 37 year old man in Hsinchu City in Taiwan in 1954 would not be
out of the ordinary, but remember, ladies and gentlemen, ghosts and
goblins, this story takes places in a different time than today, very
very different, as you shall soon see, and hear. We are living in the
time of the White Terror Period, ''Bai Ser Konbu'' as they say in
Mandariin, when martial law gripped the nation and all the furies of
hell, it seemed, broke loose. It was a time that was not in sync with
universal time, but it was time itself, it was Taiwan time, it was,
for a long while, time out of joint.

Now before I go any further, I
must tell you a thing or two about this little girl's father. Shih
Nimshin was under suspiciuon by the martial law authorities of that
time of being a freedom fighter who endangered the security of the
governemnt, so in order to avoid apporaching arrest, immanent arrest,
and certain jial time and possible execution, Shin Ru-chen went into
hiding -- yes , hiding -- in his elder brother's home in Hsinchu. And
this was not to be an ordinary hiding, it was, how shall i say it, it
was exatrasoideyaqrn, for Shih Ru-chen went into hiding in his
brother Shih Ru-chang's home in a tiny crawl space betweem two walls, one a fake
wall built to protect him, and the other a real wall in the house, and
here , inside this spcae, Shin Ru-chen spent his time day and night,
mostly days, because at night he could come out for a short period of
time to exercise, stand up, eat some nourishing food, use the toilet,
bathe,and see his wife and children, if only for a brief period of

He came out of the crawl space at night bcause it was dark then
and there fore it was safe to come out inside the house and to chat a
bit with his brother and friends, and his wife and his son and
daughter, too. Yes, you see, when she was 6 years old, Shih Ru-chen's
daughter Mei-mei would be sleeping in a small bedroom with her grandmother, not
far from her father's hiding place......and each night, her father
would come into the room where she was sleeping, and gently gaze at
her, and cover her with the warm blanket that had fallen off her, but
little Mei mei did not know at that point in her life that her father
was living right in the very same house as she was.

It had to be a secret, even from her, because every day, or almost
every day, the military police would come to the house looking for
Shih Ru-chen, and of course, all the adults pretended that they he had
run away and they had no idea where he was, and the children in the
house, Shih Ru-Chen's son and daughter, and their uncle's children
too, they all had to be kept in the dark about this, so that they
would not blab the secret to the police..... Let us imagine, now, a
scene like this:

Did it really happen? Is history something that can be told with
stories? Here is one:



music: 1947 Overture, Taiwan composer

spotlight 1: daughter is sleeping on cot, fitfully sleeping, tossing
and turning, throwing blankets off her, and on again....

spotloight 2: father tiptoes into the room, looks lovingly at daughter
on cot, kisses her on forehead, rearranges blankets lovingly over her
body, turns to go, stops, looks back one more time, smiles, sighs,
shrugs shoulders, goes out...

lights come on, it's morning time in the house: *********

Little Girl: Grandma, good morning. Who covered me up last night with this
warm blanket?

Amah: Dear Grand daughter, why, that was the Bedroom Goddess again, as
she does every night...

Girl: Grandma, WHO IS the Bedroom Goddess?

Amah: Someday, you will find out. But for now, let it be, let it be,
she loves you very very much and she will take care of you

Girl: Grandma I don't know who the Bedroom Goddess is, but I feel so
safe knowing she will take care of me night after night.....

Amah: Yes, dear, you are in good up and at 'em, it's
time to get ready to go to school, you know......



Now, ladies and gentlemen, ghosts and goblins, ......this is NOT the end of
our little story, this little story worthy of Shakespeare even,, no
this story has a very terrible and tragic end stil to come, and I've
been saving it up for you till the very end, because it's so sad, so
heartbreaking, and I even don't want to really tell you about it. But
I must, history commands me, I cannot remain silent in the face of it

You see, Shin Ru-chen, who you have already met on stage and scene
face to face, he had to stay in that tiny crawl space for a total of
18 years, yes, let me repeat that figure again, so it can sink it, not
18 weeks, not 18 months, but 18 years, YEARS, -- yes 18 years in
hiding -- can you imagine? -- and he never came out of that house
alive. For in his 55th year, Shih Ru-chen died of natural causes
inside that tiny crawl space, maybe a broken heart, maybe a broken
body, but he died for a cause so great that even today we remember
him, and the story of the Bedroom Goddess.

And that's the sad truth of this little story I have been telling you
today: a man goes into hiding in Taiwan for 18 years, in the name of
freedom and democracy, and although he is a minor player in a very
large drama, his story just has to be told. So there, I told it.
I'm done. My role is over.

Lights! More lights please!

Like the tragic story of little Anne Frank in Holland so long ago,
when the Nazis invaded Amsterdam and her family had to go into hiding
for two years, so too should the world remember the story of Shih
Ru-chen, and never forget, never forget. No, there never was a Bedroom
Goddess, but she played a very important role in this story too: she
kept the hopes of dear little Mei Mei alive night after night, and
when she finally was told that it was her father after all who was
taking care of her, covering up with the warm blanket night after
night, well, that little girl never forgot that story, and neither
should we!

And you know, one day, when Mei mei was older, about ten years old,
her grandmother told her the truth, that it was really was her father
who was coming into her bedroom each night, covering her lovingly with
the blankets, and when Mei mei learned this, ...she was overjoyed!!!!
Yes, it really was true, her father was alive, and living in the same
house, and it was HE who was the Bedroom Goddess. The next time the
Bedroom Goddess came into her bedroom late at night, little Mei mei
opened her eyes, and sat up, and hugged her father tenderly, saying:

"Daddy, Daddy, I love you!"

Good night, everyone, and Godspeed!

February 26, 2007 at 4:28 AM  
Blogger DANIELBLOOM said...

The Bedroom Goddess

A one act play for 4 characters in Taiwanese (Chinese or English or
Japanese) by U.S. resident in Taiwan writer, Dan Bloom, for
presentation at public events, schools, history clubs, TV news, video
and radio shows: for background information, see

Announcer, Voice Over, spotlight, empty stage

LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, ghosts and goblins:.....

Welcome to the never ending production of the BEdroom Goddess, a true
story about a true incident in the Taiwan of long, long ago. Well, not
so long ago, if my memory serves me right. As you will see, as this
little story unfolds right here before your very eyes, once upon a
time, there was a little girl, 6 years old, and her name was Shih
Mei-mei, by the way, and she was the daughter of a man in Hsinchu
named Shih Ru-chen.

Now under normal circumstandes, being the daughter
of a 37 year old man in Hsinchu City in Taiwan in 1954 would not be
out of the ordinary, but remember, ladies and gentlemen, ghosts and
goblins, this story takes places in a different time than today, very
very different, as you shall soon see, and hear. We are living in the
time of the White Terror Period, ''Bai Ser Konbu'' as they say in
Mandariin, when martial law gripped the nation and all the furies of
hell, it seemed, broke loose. It was a time that was not in sync with
universal time, but it was time itself, it was Taiwan time, it was,
for a long while, time out of joint.

Now before I go any further, I
must tell you a thing or two about this little girl's father. Shih
Nimshin was under suspiciuon by the martial law authorities of that
time of being a freedom fighter who endangered the security of the
governemnt, so in order to avoid apporaching arrest, immanent arrest,
and certain jial time and possible execution, Shin Ru-chen went into
hiding -- yes , hiding -- in his elder brother's home in Hsinchu. And
this was not to be an ordinary hiding, it was, how shall i say it, it
was exatrasoideyaqrn, for Shih Ru-chen went into hiding in his
brother Shih Ru-chang's home in a tiny crawl space betweem two walls, one a fake
wall built to protect him, and the other a real wall in the house, and
here , inside this spcae, Shin Ru-chen spent his time day and night,
mostly days, because at night he could come out for a short period of
time to exercise, stand up, eat some nourishing food, use the toilet,
bathe,and see his wife and children, if only for a brief period of

He came out of the crawl space at night bcause it was dark then
and there fore it was safe to come out inside the house and to chat a
bit with his brother and friends, and his wife and his son and
daughter, too. Yes, you see, when she was 6 years old, Shih Ru-chen's
daughter Mei-mei would be sleeping in a small bedroom with her grandmother, not
far from her father's hiding place......and each night, her father
would come into the room where she was sleeping, and gently gaze at
her, and cover her with the warm blanket that had fallen off her, but
little Mei mei did not know at that point in her life that her father
was living right in the very same house as she was.

It had to be a secret, even from her, because every day, or almost
every day, the military police would come to the house looking for
Shih Ru-chen, and of course, all the adults pretended that they he had
run away and they had no idea where he was, and the children in the
house, Shih Ru-Chen's son and daughter, and their uncle's children
too, they all had to be kept in the dark about this, so that they
would not blab the secret to the police..... Let us imagine, now, a
scene like this:

Did it really happen? Is history something that can be told with
stories? Here is one:



music: 1947 Overture, Taiwan composer

spotlight 1: daughter is sleeping on cot, fitfully sleeping, tossing
and turning, throwing blankets off her, and on again....

spotloight 2: father tiptoes into the room, looks lovingly at daughter
on cot, kisses her on forehead, rearranges blankets lovingly over her
body, turns to go, stops, looks back one more time, smiles, sighs,
shrugs shoulders, goes out...

lights come on, it's morning time in the house: *********

Little Girl: Grandma, good morning. Who covered me up last night with this
warm blanket?

Amah: Dear Grand daughter, why, that was the Bedroom Goddess again, as
she does every night...

Girl: Grandma, WHO IS the Bedroom Goddess?

Amah: Someday, you will find out. But for now, let it be, let it be,
she loves you very very much and she will take care of you

Girl: Grandma I don't know who the Bedroom Goddess is, but I feel so
safe knowing she will take care of me night after night.....

Amah: Yes, dear, you are in good up and at 'em, it's
time to get ready to go to school, you know......



Now, ladies and gentlemen, ghosts and goblins, ......this is NOT the end of
our little story, this little story worthy of Shakespeare even,, no
this story has a very terrible and tragic end stil to come, and I've
been saving it up for you till the very end, because it's so sad, so
heartbreaking, and I even don't want to really tell you about it. But
I must, history commands me, I cannot remain silent in the face of it

You see, Shin Ru-chen, who you have already met on stage and scene
face to face, he had to stay in that tiny crawl space for a total of
18 years, yes, let me repeat that figure again, so it can sink it, not
18 weeks, not 18 months, but 18 years, YEARS, -- yes 18 years in
hiding -- can you imagine? -- and he never came out of that house
alive. For in his 55th year, Shih Ru-chen died of natural causes
inside that tiny crawl space, maybe a broken heart, maybe a broken
body, but he died for a cause so great that even today we remember
him, and the story of the Bedroom Goddess.

And that's the sad truth of this little story I have been telling you
today: a man goes into hiding in Taiwan for 18 years, in the name of
freedom and democracy, and although he is a minor player in a very
large drama, his story just has to be told. So there, I told it.
I'm done. My role is over.

Lights! More lights please!

Like the tragic story of little Anne Frank in Holland so long ago,
when the Nazis invaded Amsterdam and her family had to go into hiding
for two years, so too should the world remember the story of Shih
Ru-chen, and never forget, never forget. No, there never was a Bedroom
Goddess, but she played a very important role in this story too: she
kept the hopes of dear little Mei Mei alive night after night, and
when she finally was told that it was her father after all who was
taking care of her, covering up with the warm blanket night after
night, well, that little girl never forgot that story, and neither
should we!

And you know, one day, when Mei mei was older, about ten years old,
her grandmother told her the truth, that it was really was her father
who was coming into her bedroom each night, covering her lovingly with
the blankets, and when Mei mei learned this, ...she was overjoyed!!!!
Yes, it really was true, her father was alive, and living in the same
house, and it was HE who was the Bedroom Goddess. The next time the
Bedroom Goddess came into her bedroom late at night, little Mei mei
opened her eyes, and sat up, and hugged her father tenderly, saying:

"Daddy, Daddy, I love you!"

Good night, everyone, and Godspeed!

Long live the memory of Shih Ru-chen! repeat 3 times, with audience too

February 26, 2007 at 4:28 AM  
Blogger DANIELBLOOM said...

The Bedroom Goddess

A one act play for 4 characters in Taiwanese (Chinese or English or
Japanese) by U.S. resident in Taiwan writer, Dan Bloom, for
presentation at public events, schools, history clubs, TV news, video
and radio shows: for background information, see

Announcer, Voice Over, spotlight, empty stage

LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, ghosts and goblins:.....

Welcome to the never ending production of the BEdroom Goddess, a true
story about a true incident in the Taiwan of long, long ago. Well, not
so long ago, if my memory serves me right. As you will see, as this
little story unfolds right here before your very eyes, once upon a
time, there was a little girl, 6 years old, and her name was Shih
Mei-mei, by the way, and she was the daughter of a man in Hsinchu
named Shih Ru-chen.

Now under normal circumstandes, being the daughter
of a 37 year old man in Hsinchu City in Taiwan in 1954 would not be
out of the ordinary, but remember, ladies and gentlemen, ghosts and
goblins, this story takes places in a different time than today, very
very different, as you shall soon see, and hear. We are living in the
time of the White Terror Period, ''Bai Ser Konbu'' as they say in
Mandariin, when martial law gripped the nation and all the furies of
hell, it seemed, broke loose. It was a time that was not in sync with
universal time, but it was time itself, it was Taiwan time, it was,
for a long while, time out of joint.

Now before I go any further, I
must tell you a thing or two about this little girl's father. Shih
Nimshin was under suspiciuon by the martial law authorities of that
time of being a freedom fighter who endangered the security of the
governemnt, so in order to avoid apporaching arrest, immanent arrest,
and certain jial time and possible execution, Shin Ru-chen went into
hiding -- yes , hiding -- in his elder brother's home in Hsinchu. And
this was not to be an ordinary hiding, it was, how shall i say it, it
was exatrasoideyaqrn, for Shih Ru-chen went into hiding in his
brother Shih Ru-chang's home in a tiny crawl space betweem two walls, one a fake
wall built to protect him, and the other a real wall in the house, and
here , inside this spcae, Shin Ru-chen spent his time day and night,
mostly days, because at night he could come out for a short period of
time to exercise, stand up, eat some nourishing food, use the toilet,
bathe,and see his wife and children, if only for a brief period of

He came out of the crawl space at night bcause it was dark then
and there fore it was safe to come out inside the house and to chat a
bit with his brother and friends, and his wife and his son and
daughter, too. Yes, you see, when she was 6 years old, Shih Ru-chen's
daughter Mei-mei would be sleeping in a small bedroom with her grandmother, not
far from her father's hiding place......and each night, her father
would come into the room where she was sleeping, and gently gaze at
her, and cover her with the warm blanket that had fallen off her, but
little Mei mei did not know at that point in her life that her father
was living right in the very same house as she was.

It had to be a secret, even from her, because every day, or almost
every day, the military police would come to the house looking for
Shih Ru-chen, and of course, all the adults pretended that they he had
run away and they had no idea where he was, and the children in the
house, Shih Ru-Chen's son and daughter, and their uncle's children
too, they all had to be kept in the dark about this, so that they
would not blab the secret to the police..... Let us imagine, now, a
scene like this:

Did it really happen? Is history something that can be told with
stories? Here is one:



music: 1947 Overture, Taiwan composer

spotlight 1: daughter is sleeping on cot, fitfully sleeping, tossing
and turning, throwing blankets off her, and on again....

spotloight 2: father tiptoes into the room, looks lovingly at daughter
on cot, kisses her on forehead, rearranges blankets lovingly over her
body, turns to go, stops, looks back one more time, smiles, sighs,
shrugs shoulders, goes out...

lights come on, it's morning time in the house: *********

Little Girl: Grandma, good morning. Who covered me up last night with this
warm blanket?

Amah: Dear Grand daughter, why, that was the Bedroom Goddess again, as
she does every night...

Girl: Grandma, WHO IS the Bedroom Goddess?

Amah: Someday, you will find out. But for now, let it be, let it be,
she loves you very very much and she will take care of you

Girl: Grandma I don't know who the Bedroom Goddess is, but I feel so
safe knowing she will take care of me night after night.....

Amah: Yes, dear, you are in good up and at 'em, it's
time to get ready to go to school, you know......



Now, ladies and gentlemen, ghosts and goblins, ......this is NOT the end of
our little story, this little story worthy of Shakespeare even,, no
this story has a very terrible and tragic end stil to come, and I've
been saving it up for you till the very end, because it's so sad, so
heartbreaking, and I even don't want to really tell you about it. But
I must, history commands me, I cannot remain silent in the face of it

You see, Shin Ru-chen, who you have already met on stage and scene
face to face, he had to stay in that tiny crawl space for a total of
18 years, yes, let me repeat that figure again, so it can sink it, not
18 weeks, not 18 months, but 18 years, YEARS, -- yes 18 years in
hiding -- can you imagine? -- and he never came out of that house
alive. For in his 55th year, Shih Ru-chen died of natural causes
inside that tiny crawl space, maybe a broken heart, maybe a broken
body, but he died for a cause so great that even today we remember
him, and the story of the Bedroom Goddess.

And that's the sad truth of this little story I have been telling you
today: a man goes into hiding in Taiwan for 18 years, in the name of
freedom and democracy, and although he is a minor player in a very
large drama, his story just has to be told. So there, I told it.
I'm done. My role is over.

Lights! More lights please!

Like the tragic story of little Anne Frank in Holland so long ago,
when the Nazis invaded Amsterdam and her family had to go into hiding
for two years, so too should the world remember the story of Shih
Ru-chen, and never forget, never forget. No, there never was a Bedroom
Goddess, but she played a very important role in this story too: she
kept the hopes of dear little Mei Mei alive night after night, and
when she finally was told that it was her father after all who was
taking care of her, covering up with the warm blanket night after
night, well, that little girl never forgot that story, and neither
should we!

And you know, one day, when Mei mei was older, about ten years old,
her grandmother told her the truth, that it was really was her father
who was coming into her bedroom each night, covering her lovingly with
the blankets, and when Mei mei learned this, ...she was overjoyed!!!!
Yes, it really was true, her father was alive, and living in the same
house, and it was HE who was the Bedroom Goddess. The next time the
Bedroom Goddess came into her bedroom late at night, little Mei mei
opened her eyes, and sat up, and hugged her father tenderly, saying:

"Daddy, Daddy, I love you!"

Good night, everyone, and Godspeed!

Long live the memory of Shih Ru-chen! repeat 3 times, with audience too

February 26, 2007 at 4:28 AM  
Blogger DANIELBLOOM said...

The Anne Frank of Taiwan story

As Taiwanese in Taiwan and overseas recently commemorated the 60th
anniversary of 228 with public lectures, film screenings and memorial
gatherings in Taipei and Washington D.C., the lessons and memories of
228 will continue to reverberate year after year for future
generations of Taiwanese.

As reported in this paper by correspondent Charles Snyder based in
Washington, a public memorial service was held in the lobby of the
Rayburn House Office Building on March 28 "that brought together some
200 Taiwanese-Americans to remember 228 and the martial law that
followed, and to express their hopes for the new Taiwanese democracy."

At the gathering, Mrs. Lin Hsu Yung-mei, the daughter of a Taiwanese
intellectual Lin Mao-seng, recalled the night of March 11, 1947, when
six men dragged her father from the family's house in Taiwan. Lin said
that her father disappeared and was never seen again, adding:
"Injustice and senseless silence ... Now their stories can be told.".

There is another story of the White Terror period that has so far been
told in Chinese only in the Liberty Times (this newspaper's sister
paper) and never in an English-language newspaper. Until now. It is a
story that needs to be told to the world in English, because it tells
of a chapter in Taiwan's history that many Westerners can understand
at a basic human level, since it is what a professor at Soochow
University has called "the Anne Frank story of Taiwan".

The story, which has been documented in detail in English and Chinese
on a website at, is about a Hsinchu man named
Shih Ru-chen during the early 1950s, who, fearing arrest and possible
jail time and even execution from the military police, chose to go
into hiding at his elder brother's house, using a tiny crawl space his
brother created in his home, to elude the authorities.

He was 37 years old when he went into hiding in a small space between
two walls in his brother's home, and he was 55 years old when he died
there, of natural causes, having remained "in hiding" for 18 long,
unfathomable years.

Please read that number again: not 18 weeks, not 18 months, but 18 years!

Yes, this story, a true story, happened in Taiwan during the White
Terror period, and it has been documented in Chinese by a book
published a few years ago by the Hsinchi Culture Center. There are
interviews Shih's surviving relatives and a copy of the blueprint of
the crawl space he "lived" in for 18 years, coming out only for short
periods of time at night to eat, wash, go to the toilet and chat with
his wife and two children.

Like Mrs. Lin's story of her father's disapperance in 1947, the story
of Shih Ru-chen surely can resonate with people around the world, in
whatever language they read it in. Just as Anne Frank's "diary" --
written while the Nazis occupied Holland and her family went into
hiding -- found a worldwide audience after World War II, so too can
the story of Shih Ru-chen find an audience in Taiwan and overseas.

Not many people go into hiding for political reasons for 18 years, and
the story of Shih Ru-chen's 18-year ordeal has until now been mostly
hidden from public view, even in Taiwan, and almost no one overseas
has ever heard of this incident.

Surely there's a place in Taiwan's future history books and novels and
plays and TV dramas about Shih Ru-chen and his family. Anne Frank
taught the world an important lesson, and so too can Shih Ru-chen's
ordeal. There has been a "senseless silence" about his life, but now
his story "can be told".

March 2, 2007 at 4:36 AM  
Blogger DANIELBLOOM said...

THE BEDROOM GODDESS: Once Upon a Time in Taiwan

a children's story

Once upon a time in Taiwan, there was a little girl named Mei-mei who
went to bed every night not knowing where her father was. Oh, she knew
where her mother was -- in the house with her and her older brother
and her grandmother -- but she did not know exactly where her father
was. She had been told that her father was "away on business" or words
to that affect, and she knew that her father would come back home
soon. Mei-mei knew that Papa had not run away forever, and that he
would surely come back since he was "somewhere in Taiwan". She knew
her Papa loved her, as surely as she knew the sun rises and sets every

Her mother had told Mei-mei that Papa would "return home soon" and Mei
mei believed her mother and that Daddy would come back soon. She just
did not know when....

So every night, when Mei mei went to bed, she fell asleep thinking
about her father, Shih Ru-chen, and she always had a happy image of
him in her mind. He was a handsome man, tall with beautiful black
hair, and he had a small mole near his left cheek, and this always
made Mei mei laugh.

"Daddy, why do you have such a funny mole on your face?" she would ask
him in her dreams.

"Oh, it is a mark of beauty given to me by the heavenly gods," he
replied. And Mei-mei accepted his explanation and laughed again.

When Mei mei finally fell asleep each night, drifting off into the
land of dreams and sleepfulness, she always felt a bit cold in
her room. But in the morning, Mei- mei was surprised each day to find a
warm blanket covering her in bed. She wondered: "Who brought that
blanket to me"?

One day Mei mei asked her grandmother who covered her up each night
with the blanketm asking: "Amah, did you cover me up last night with
the warm blanket?"

And Amah replied: "No, it was not me, it was the Bedroom Goddess.
Every night, after you have fallen asleep, the Bedroom Goddess comes
into your room and covers you with that warm, thick blanket. The
Bedroom Goddess is taking care of you, while your father is far away."

OH, siad Mei mie. I am glad to know that. I am really glad that the
Bedroom Goddess care about me. Even though I worry about Papa, I am
glad that the BEdroom Goddess comes into my room every night and
covers me up with the blanket. I'm a lucky girl!"

Mei mei WAS a lucky girl. She had a wonderful mother and a sweet older
brother who always helped her with her homework.

she said to her Ger-ger (older brother) one day, "Where do you think Papa is?"

"I don't know" her brother replied. "But I am sure he is in a good
place, and in good hands, and that he will return home soon. In fact,
I think he will return home very, very soon."

"I am so glad to hear that," Meimei said. "That's really good news,
dear brother."

And every night, just like all the other nights before, the Bedroom
Goddess would come into meimei's room and she slept and gently cover
her up with a warm blanket so she wouldn't catch cold in the Taiwan
winter, and each morning, when Mei mei woke up, she was surprised to
find the blanket covering her, so comfortable and soothing, as it had
done every day before for as long as she could remember....

One morning, when Mei Mei was a few years older, her Amah asked her to
sit down at the breakfast table.

Mei mei, I have something to tell you," Amah said. "It's about....

"I know what you are going to say," Mei mei blurted out before Amah
could finish her sentence. "You are going to tell me that the Bedroom
Goddess is not real."

"Something like that, my dear little Mei mei," her grandmother said. "But
in a way, the Bedroom Goddess is real, very very real. But today I am
going to tell you a little secret. I am going to tell you who the
Bedroom Goddess really is!"

"I can't wait for this surprise," said Mei mei, "although I think I know what you are going to tell me."

Both Mei mei's mother and her
brother were sitting at the kitchen table too, waiting for Amah to
tell Mei mei the secret.

And with a soft quick clap of her hands, Amah spoke and said :
"Bedroom Goddess, please come out from where ever you are and show us
who you are....."

And with that, in an instant, Mei-mei's father, Shih Ru-chen, stepped
into the room with a big broad smile on his face and threw his arms
around his daughter.

"Papa, you are home!" Mei mei said. "I am so happy to see you in
person, face to face, after all such a long long time. Where were you
when you were gone? And will you now stay with us forever?"

I'm happy to see you too dear....


October 1, 2007 at 4:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Sir,

I was just reading an archived report from the Taipai Times from
Monday, Mar 05, 2007, Page 8
Title: ''Many tales from White Terror era to be told''

By Dan Bloom 丹布隆

I am very interested to contact Mr Bloom and learn more about the
sources of the story and to find out more about Mr Shih Ru-chen (許壬辰).

I think he sounds like a good story for a history documentary but my
question is this: are there any living relatives alive that can tell
his story - E.g. is his daughter still alive?

Do please write back. I would love to follow this up.

Many thanks

Executive TV Producer in Singapore

May 31, 2008 at 3:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

TV producer says: private email:

"We are looking for stories yourself, good stories just seem to stick out for some reason or other.

I found the story about Mr Shih when looking at the Taipei Times for stories possibilities that would have appeal beyond Taiwan. Taiwan is an area I am interested in and it just so happened that there was a lot recently on the 228 Incident - which I, as a non-Taiwanese and a Westerner, had never heard of before.

That itself was interesting.

The very fact that, "Sixty years have passed since the 228 Incident took place, but the whole truth behind the massacre and the events which followed during the White Terror era still remain shrouded in mystery." was itself very interesting.

Then reading more in to that I ended up at your oped article - which *humanized* that period beyond just massacres and misery to an angle of love and hope - and sorrow of course. Bottom line is this - you are right, 18 years IS extraordinary. [!!!!!!!!]

I like that you know it will make a good film - I mean a big Hollywood film, too. Maybe by Ang Lee someday.

We wont be able to do that of course, but we can certainly take it to a wider audience via a documentary (well I am hoping so). But I can instantly see what you mean how it would work on the big screen.

We would need a collection of characters to tell us the story. Did you say the daughter was still alive? The Professor? Anyone else witness this? Your chidlren's book about this event sounds lovely, it's a nice stance to see it through the eyes of the daughter. I'd like to read it. Titled: "The Bedroom Goddess"

I'll call you this week."

TV Producer in Singapore
June 1, 2008

May 31, 2008 at 9:32 PM  
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